Symphony Orchestra
(meets 1st and 7th periods)
The Symphony Orchestra has established a reputation as one of the finest high school orchestras in Texas. It has a rich tradition of consistently earning top Sweepstakes ratings at UIL. This orchestra has also received the Outstanding Orchestra Award at many music festivals throughout the country. This group performs as a Full Orchestra when combined with selected members of the band's Wind Symphony, and the 2003-04 Full Orchestra was selected by the Texas Music Educators Association as the 2004-05 Honor Orchestra. The members of this Varsity ensemble are also called upon for performances with the choir and serve as the pit orchestra during musicals. They usually perform music from the professional literature.
Music Links:
There's Christmas in the Air - Strommen
All I Want for Christmas is You - Carey arr. Moore
All I Want for Christmas is You - OG
A Boomwhacker Christmas - Meyer
On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring - Delius
Winter 2023 Full Orchestra Rehearsal Schedule
Philharmonic Orchestra
(meets 3rd and 9th periods)
The Philharmonic Orchestra is composed of primarily musicians in their sophomore and junior years and comes from a strong tradition of UIL excellence. The Philharmonic Orchestra will perform on all major programs, compete in all UIL and TMEA activities, and travel to music festivals. Expectations for this Non-Varsity group are very high, as they often perform music from the varsity high school literature.
Sinfonia Orchestra
(meets 4th and 8th periods)
The Sinfonia Orchestra is made up of primarily of musicians in their sophomore and junior years. This orchestra will participate in most activities of the orchestra program, including all major concerts, UIL contest, solo and ensemble contest, and the spring festival. They perform standard high school literature.
Music Links:
North Country Legend - Williams
Variations on an Irish Tune - Balmages
Concert Orchestra
(meets 2nd and 8th periods)
The Concert Orchestra is made up of primarily freshman students from strong programs at Nichols and Shackelford Junior Highs. This orchestra will participate in most activities of the orchestra program, including all major concerts, UIL contest, solo and ensemble contest, and the spring festival. They perform standard high school literature.
Music Links:
Postcards from Russia - Gruselle
We Wish You A Cha Cha Christmas - Gruselle