Saturday, December 5th Recording Day Reminders and Instructions
Recording Day is almost here! Here are the last minute instructions/reminders for those of you that are going to be attending tomorrow:
-Dress in school appropriate “Festive” attire (tacky sweaters are encouraged but certainly not required)
-Before you arrive, please fill out this screening questionnaire
-If you are feeling any COVID symptoms or have been exposed to anyone who you believe may have been COVID positive, PLEASE stay home and submit your recording virtually
-If you need to park, please park in the faculty lot at the top of the hill or the East lot by Craven's Field, not the fire lane
-Enter through the Orchestra Rm back door (Entry 22 near tennis courts where we’ve done previous instrument pickup events) see map
-Temperatures screened, 100.0 or above will be send home
-Face masks required at all times
-Bring your own music (or we will have a fresh copy for you)
-Bring your own instrument (unless you’ve arranged for one up here or you are a roomie already)
-Stay socially distanced (in your yellow square)
-Please arrange transportation home at the specified time for your group so we can sanitize and get the next group set up
Group times are listed below:
Concert: Saturday, 12/5 from 9-10:3
Philharmonic: Saturday, 12/5 from 11:30-1:30
Symphony: Saturday, 12/5 from 2-4 p.m.
Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Looking forward to it!
Andrew Walton & James Hogan