Pre-UIL 2020

Call Times Available: Click Here or read on:
Symphony Pre-UIL Instructions Monday 2/10/20
4:30 Arrive at LHS Orchestra room dressed in your uniform
5:00 Warm-Up in the Orchestra Room
5:30 Performance - Stage
6:00 Sight Reading - Stage
6:30 Go Home
*If you are sharing a cello with someone in Sinfonia, make sure you take it straight to the Orchestra hall and pass it off*
Philharmonic Pre-UIL instructions Monday 2/10/20
7:30 Arrive at LHS dressed in your uniform. Uncase and check tuning in Orchestra Room.
8:00 Warm-Up in the Orchestra Hall
8:30 Performance – Stage
8:55 Sight Reading – Stage
9:15 Go Home (take your instruments with you so you can practice)
Sinfonia Pre-UIL instructions Monday 2/10/20
5:30 Arrive at LHS dressed in your uniform. Uncase and check tuning in Orchestra Room
6:00 Warm-Up in the Orchestra Hall
6:30 Performance - Stage
7:00 Sight Reading – Stage
7:30 Go Home (take your instruments with you so you can practice)
*If you are sharing a cello with someone in Concert, make sure you take it straight to the band hall and pass it off*
Concert Pre-UIL instructions Monday 2/10/20
6:30 Arrive at LHS dressed in your uniform. Uncase and check tuning in Orchestra Room
7:00 Warm-Up in the Orchestra Hall
7:30 Performance - Stage
8:00 Sight Reading – Stage
8:15 Go Home (take your instruments with you so you can practice)
*If you are sharing a cello with someone in Philharmonic, make sure you take it straight to the band hall and pass it off*